Painting High Stairwells


Court-Hampton Painting Inc has been painting high stairwells at this home in the neighborhood of Forest Hill in Toronto.

painting high stairwells

Most homeowners are weary of painting high stairwells because of the ladder work involved and are uncomfortable working with heights.

This stairwell was challenging because it is multilevel and at some points over 18 feet high. Our painters used four different kinds of ladders to reach all the ceilings and walls and a eighteen foot pole to roll them.
If you are a homeowner and are thinking of painting high staircases in your house yourself, you should consider all the costs involved with ladders and equipment and your comfort level with painting at heights. You will need two to three painting poles, up to four ladders, plastic, dropsheets, and the usual equipment used for interior painting. If you are uncomfortable painting high up on a ladder you should consider hiring a professional painter. You can also check out this interactive tool offered by the Ministry of Labour addressing fall hazards around your home before painting.

Contact Court-Hampton Painting Inc for painting high stairwells in your home.

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