Court-Hampton Painting is quickly booking Interior Painting for Condos and Homes for Fall of 2024 and Winter of 2025!
Book your interior painting project in Etobicoke or Toronto now and beat the Spring rush! Court-Hampton Painting is filling our calendar with condominium painting and house painting for the Spring and Summer season. Get a free estimate!
Who Are We?
Here’s an explainer video from the owner of our painting company Court-Hampton Painting Inc.
(Don’t worry it’s super short!)
When you hire Court-Hampton Painting you’re hiring painting contractors that care for your home and families well being. We strive on creating a clean and professional workspace when painting your home, because we treat your home like our own.
When you choose Court Hampton Painting, we conduct a careful assessment to determine if there are any potential dangers for you and your family that could occur during a renovation like painting. Our team of professionals always receive mandatory training on workplace safety as well as certified by WSIB. Due to the nature of our work, we are trained in WHIMIS hazardous materials and safety standards. We are equipped on how to identify evidence of existing lead paint or potential asbestos in your home, and how to make it safe for all involved.
Paint & Safety Standards
Our painting contractors always use the lowest VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint for your job without sacrificing durability to do our eco-friendly part. Since September 2010, the Government of Canada has reduced the amount of VOC’s allowed in decorative coatings, which affects alkyd paints, varnishes and wood stains. These products that are non-compliant and can no longer be produced or imported by manufacturers. In order to create a beautiful, long-lasting and safe space in your home, we use government-compliant, eco-friendly paints every time.
Our Workspace Standards
We respect your home and its belongings. Every job we do, we cover all furniture in fresh plastic, tucked in and secure, to ensure no paint ruins your belongings. All floors are entirely covered with clean drop sheets, as well as doorknobs, face plates, and other hardware. Anything we can remove to make things easier and less stressful for you, we can. Just ask! In short, anything that can possibly get dust or paint on it is removed or covered. Our painting company has full liability insurance to protect your belongings, and we pride ourselves on that. We also ensure the space is well-ventilated and use a sanding method that creates little to no dust.
When you choose us, we can provide you with complementary colour consulting as well as other home consults that relate to the job. We have swatches from every manufacturer available. Our colour consultant was trained at the Scandinavian Colour Institute in Stockholm, Sweden and is qualified as a professional colour specifier in Europe!
Our Promise
Our painting contractors have never missed a deadline or gone over budget. Because we are among the top interior painting contractors in Toronto, we promise to exceed your expectations. Our experienced team are aware of how long painting projects can take, how to deal with the space involved and any other factors that may influence cost and timing. When you receive a quote from Court-Hampton Painting, the price on the paper is the final price for the exact job description.
The quality of painting you receive from Court-Hampton Painting Inc. is the best in the industry. We incorporate colour, straight paint lines and the perfect texture to make your home an elegant showpiece.
Contact us if you are looking for painting contractors in Toronto.
Court-Hampton Painting Inc.
4 Winterton Drive Etobicoke, Ontario M9B 3G5
Phone: 416 925 1376