Court-Hampton Painting has completed numerous commercial painting jobs across the GTA. Our commercial painters Toronto will make your business, office, school, warehouse or institution look professional.

As commercial painting contractors we understand you need your business open with minimal downtime if any.

The steps to commercial painting Toronto are similar to interior painting with some distinctions.

A typical commercial paint job is executed in the following steps:

  • We meet with the owner or property management team to discuss hours of work for the commercial painting job. Our commercial painters Etobicoke will work alternate hours to accommodate your business if necessary. A WSIB clearance certificate is produced along with liability insurance. All commercial painting contractors are insured fully.
  • Colour and paint is specified (we use quick dry industrial paint not available to the public to ensure durability and a fast turn around time for your project and epoxy paint for floors). For commercial painting Toronto where smell is an issue (offices or hospitals etc.) zero VOC paint is available.
  • Our commercial painters determine if paint spraying is most efficient (we have all the latest spray equipment and the experience to use it) and if a skyjack or crane rental is required for the commercial painting project.
  • Our commercial painters then clean up the job site and take any garbage produced from your paint job with us to dispose of properly.

If you need commercial painters give us a call today!

Excellent service and high quality of work. Went beyond scope of the project at no extra cost to ensure a high quality job. Paint matching was right on. Flexible hours matched our needs. Highly recommend Court-Hamption and will re-hire for our future painting needs.

I would Recommend Court-Hampton Painting Inc. To any customer. They Complete Great Work and Have Great Staff.

The team at Court-Hampton Painting were professional, clean, and did a fantastic job. Perfect advice on colour and so many positive comments! I wholeheartedly recommend.

Court-Hampton Painting Is Fully Insured

Our painting company has liability insurance to protect your belongings and WSIB insurance to protect our painters!

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